Birth is Beautiful

There are two things I’m completely passionate about

1. Birth/Babies

2. Photography

I came upon birth photography because of an incredible photo a friend shared on facebook of a baby born en caul (still in the bag of waters)  that is shown below 4th down.  Really I would have put it first but I didn’t want to scare anyone away who might be put off by that kind of photo but I think it is beautiful.  The more I study birth photography the more I feel like it is a match made in my own personal heaven.  This is what I want to direct my photography someday.  I have three wonderful moms that are allowing me to capture this most incredible time in life coming up and I couldn’t be more thrilled.  Babies are just so special and there is no greater love in this world than that between parents and children and all those emotions pour out on the day a new little life comes into the world.

I’m pretty sure I’m only going to be able to do those three births this year.  Having 3 little kids and my own baby make it difficult to pick up and leave for up to 24 hours at a time. Someday though this is where I mainly want to focus.

Leilani Rogers is the photographer I want to be like.  I love her work.  Everything below is her’s and just a few of my favorites. In fact I have all new favorites since I pulled these photos a while back.  I encourage you to visit her blog and get lost in all the beautiful birth stories she gets to be a part of.


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Do You Want to be a Snowman?

My oldest girl wanted to sing “In Summer” from Frozen for our church’s talent night.  It was her first performance ever and she did great!  I had costumes for my other two kiddos just in case they wanted to get up and dance along to her singing at the last moment.  We took these photos right before we went and I. LOVE. THEM.

I had no idea they were going to turn out so cute! I hope you enjoy them like I did. This is giving me inspiration for next year’s Christmas card.

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